Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Forgiveness Never Asked

He was hearing whispers where no one was talking.He was trying really hard to listen and followed the sounds of whisper but he could not find anyone around talking.Everybody's eyes seemed to be asking questions even there was no one noticing him.He could not understand what was wrong with him.He could not help himself just imagining stuffs on his own.

While sitting alone, he felt like a person in courtroom every soul trying to pronounce a judgment on him. Everyone around was wearing white and weather seemed so gloomy that it seemed that shroud around body has engulfed the whole environment. He wanted to speak but watching his mother's tear made him stop.

So many years had passed yet the memory of that day seemed to be etched in his life as alive as he was. He still found questions in the eyes of his mother which she never even would have thought of. He seemed to be at peace when he was always facing turmoil from inside. He wanted to let it out but just fearing the unknown i.e. what would happen if it is revealed,if the situation becomes worse than the current one , made him stop. The fact that he had not said it in so many years made it almost impossible to say it now.He had tried to console himself by saying to himself that it was not his fault and he couldn't have known this. But these consoles only lasted even less than a moment.

One day on his way to home ,lost in his thoughts aided by a drunk driver he got hit by a car. He was rushed to hospital bleeding heavily. After an hour long operation he was saved by doctor. But due to injury to head he suffered from amnesia.After a month long recuperation he was ambulatory and he remembered most of his life except the part which he always tried to forget before injury.

Everything seemed fine and he was happy for the first time in life. Every once in a while he would notice an expression in her mother's face whenever she saw his picture when he was around. It always puzzled him but he just could not understand what was troubling him.He always felt that there is something about him which he is not remembering.

So many years had passed yet the memory he could not remember anything about that day. His mother was lying on the bed with ventilator on her side. He was watching her with grief with imminent about to happen. Accumulating all her strength she muttered the words "I forgive you. It was not your fault." He was not able to ask any questions nor could she answer any.

He remembered his mother's last word but never understood the meaning. It made him restless for sometime trying to remember all the things he did which could evoke such a response but he could not find any. Whenever he looked at his picture he just felt even more restless and fact that he could explain this baffled him a lot .

So many years had passed yet he could not forget his mother's last word nor could he remember about the day. His sons were playing around him, he was watching them as always with a smile. Suddenly a kite came and landed on the parapet. His elder son said some things to his younger brother which sent a chill to his spine. Watching these events happen took him by a shock and he understood what his mother's last words meant.

It was a clear blue sky and and lot of kites were flying in the sky. A red kite snapped in fight came flying to their roof and he watched it land on their parapet. He dared him to get the kite and while getting the kite he slipped and fell to the ground. As he was watching with shock,he saw people rushing to him. Not knowing what to do he ran quickly to his room and locked himself in. He can remember it all now. Body of his young brother covered in shroud and their mother crying.He then remembered how on the day when he was being rushed to hospital and he was asking for forgiveness that he asked his brother to get the kite.

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