Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Gamer Within


Of late the gamer within me has arisen from the slumber of what I think almost is around a  year. The cause for this stir is news of Prince of Persia releasing this holiday season. I am a big fan of Prince of Persia series . I have played Prince of Persia: Warrior Within and Prince of Persia : Two Thrones .

The combat moves involving combination of various key resulting in complex move from wall run to jumping through poles and various other acrobatic moves are mainstay of the game. The gameplay involves finding way through maze , solving puzzle ,killing minions and other dark creatures. But the most fun part are the boss battles. Being chased by Dahaka "the death" ,racing towards a closing gate in a chariot or finding a way through plethora of roller blades to get that elusive life upgrade raises the pulse. The speed kill in the Two thrones were another great addition to incredible gameplay. Other most unique thing about the game is feature of rewinding in time using sand and checkpoint based saving.The setting of time island in warrior within with rock music was also really awesome. The Babylon with Arabic music in two thrones was pretty cool too. Check out the wiki entry on Prince of Persia for more details.

Now the Prince of Persia team at Ubisoft  have come up with latest addition to this series. The Prince of Persia 4 is set in past i.e.  before Sands of Time the first one in the series. If you have not already checked out the Prince of Persia's official site. I urge you to check out the videos of the new POP  which is scheduled to release on December 2nd. The prince has been provided with a companion Elika who is able to able to heal  corruption with her magical healing powers. Also several new addition has been made with the duo tagging up against the villains. Also there has been addition of several moves like slide , roof run,extremely long jump with the  help of Elika,extremely long rebound using pads.

Overall it looks like a great addition to Prince of Persia series. I am really looking forward to play this game to the extent I am considering assembling a gaming PC or buying Xbox to just play this game.

Here is trailer video of the latest Prince of Persia.

You can watch more video at official website. Watch out the commented walk through  video which displays gameplay.


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